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Monday, December 22, 2008



Thursday, December 11, 2008

6G: Just a reminder that hot air balloon assignments were due today. Please bring in your assignments by tomorrow as that is my last day at CRB.
8s: Here are some examples of the fabulous geometric art you presented.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

6G: Your Hot Air Balloon Assignment:

You are to design your own hot air balloon for your around the world adventure.

Please account for the following:

1) You are traveling alone.
2) You are not to land until you have completed your trip around the world.
3) You must incorporate what we have already learned about hot air balloons (ie. equipment required: gondola, balloon size and material, heat source, food, protection, etc)

You must include a labeled illustration and a short write up about your design.

Please be creative and make this design your own!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

6G: The Legends and Ghost Shirts you have produced were great! I appreciate the extra effort you put into creating your shirts.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

6G: Today we created our own hot air balloon using garbage bags and a hair dryer. What made it possible for the bag to "lift off"? Can you identify the properties of air that make flight possible (e.g., air takes up space, has mass, expands, can exert a force when compressed) ? If you need a refresher, take a look at what Bill Nye has to say about the properties of air and hot air balloons.
(Time 2:20min to 3:27min)
As per the Ontario Curriculum: identify the properties of air that make flight possible (e.g., air takes up space, has mass, expands, can exert a force when compressed)

Monday, December 1, 2008

6G: Starting December 2nd, we will be launching a new unit in Mathematics based on factors and multiples. There is a great online game to preview your knowledge of factors.

As per the Ontario Curriculum: identify composite numbers and prime numbers, and explain the relationship between them (i.e., any composite number can be factored into prime factors)
Let's launch our new Science unit on Air & Flight!!

6G: I am very excited to be lifting off into this new unit today!!