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Course Expectations

MCR 3U-1 Course Outline 2011
(Functions, Grade 11 University Preparation)
This Course Outline is based upon the Ministry of Education and Training Ontario Curriculum for Grade 11 University Mathematics as per the revised document of 2007.
Textbook: Functions and Relations 11, Addison-Wesley, 2002
Resources: Access to Graphing Calculators, Geometer’s Sketchpad & Fathom
Supplementary Resources: Handouts, Exemplars, etc.

Course Description
This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending students’ experiences with linear and quadratic relations. Students will investigate properties of discrete and continuous functions, including trigonometric and exponential functions; represent functions numerically, algebraically, and graphically; solve problems involving applications of functions; and develop facility in determining equivalent algebraic expressions. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems. Throughout the course, students will engage in the following processes: Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proving, Reflecting, Selecting Tools and Computational Strategies, Connecting, Representing, Communicating.
Trigonometric Functions
Quadratic Functions
Exponential Functions
Discrete Functions
General Functions

Learning Skills
Assessment of the learning skills will be done on an ongoing basis throughout the academic year by observations of students at work, checklists and interviews. This will include:
• Classwork/homework (Work habits, homework and organization)
• Completed work and seeking assistance (Organization and initiative)
• Persistence and independence at tasks (Working independently and initiative)
• Extension of task (Organization and initiative)
• Achievement of group goals (Team work)

Assessment Strategies
A variety of teaching/assessment strategies to address students’ needs will be used during the school year. Formative assessments will
be ongoing through out the academic year. These may include:
• Diagnostic assessment
• Formative assessment
• Performance assessment
• Portfolio assessment
• Rubrics
• Checklists

Term Summative Evaluations (70% Term Work)
• Tests, quizzes, tasks and other forms of term summative evaluations will occur throughout the academic year at the end of units of work as outlined in the accompanying course outline.  The portfolio will be an ongoing assignment due towards the end of the term.
• Students will be provided with reasonable opportunities to master skills relating to the achievement of the curriculum expectations before assessment and evaluation occurs.
• Major evaluations will be announced at least one week in advance.
• Absence on the day of an evaluation must be documented. If a student must miss an evaluation, s/he is expected to:
a) see the teacher before the absence to arrange for an alternative date to make up the evaluation; or
b) in case of illness or unexpected absence, present a note to the teacher, signed by a parent or guardian, immediately upon their return to explain the absence. An alternate evaluation will then be scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
• Cheating will not be tolerated in any form and will be dealt with appropriately

Final Mark Calculation
Calculation of the Term Mark will be based upon the Categories of the Achievement Chart. This chart is meant to assist teachers in planning instruction and learning activities for the achievement of the curriculum expectations. It is also used in designing assessment and evaluation tools and in providing feedback to students. Each mathematical topic will contain each category in the chart due to the integrated nature of the discipline in mathematics. Final marks will be calculated as follows:

Term Work: 70% Levels of Achievement:
Knowledge and Understanding: 35%
Application: 35%
Thinking and Inquiry: 15%
Communication: 15%

Final Summative Evaluation(s): 30%

Grading Scheme:
Level 1: 50 – 59%
Level 2: 60 – 69%
Level 3: 70 – 79%
Level 4: 80 – 100%

Access to extra help and mark records. Students are encouraged to consult their teachers on a regular basis for extra help and guidance as it relates to improving their academic performance. Students are also expected to discuss strategies for improving their grades with their teachers. Students are expected to view their report cards as an indication of their current achievement and discuss with teachers for clarification.
Communication with Parents/Guardians. Comments pertaining to academic achievement and learning skills are placed on the report cards are primarily to provide feedback for parents/guardians as well as students. Parent/guardian nights can be used for one to one discussion. At times it may be necessary to contact parents/guardians by telephone to discuss a student’s performance.
Parents/guardians are also encouraged to contact teachers as and when the need arises.