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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Here are today's notes:

Thursday's homework questions revisited:

A Quick Refresher on Co-ordinate Geometry:

The Unit Circle:

Notice that the distance from the center of the circle to the circumference is always 1 unit. Regardless of the angle, the distance from the vertex (0,0) to the point P (x,y) will always be 1 unit.

Solving angles requires creating an right-angled triangle within the unit circle. The value of 'x' denotes the length of the horizontal side and the value of 'y' denotes the length of the vertical side of the triangle. *Remember to use the absolute value (positive) for the sides of the triangle.

Standard Position Angles:

In class work:

The development of an expression to calculate coterminals of a given standard position angle:

How to Find Co-ordinates of P for Angles in Standard Position:

Using Trigonometry to Represent the Angles in Standard Position:

Please complete the chart below (remember an 'err' on your calculator represents and undefined function):

To Determine the number of rotations:

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